The Wales Air Ambulance Charity Partner With Roberts Recycling

the Wales Air Ambulance Charity Partner wITH rOBERTS rECYCLING

At Roberts Recycling, we believe in the power of partnerships and making a positive impact in our communities. Today, we are thrilled to announce our latest collaboration that brings together our commitment to sustainability and our dedication to supporting a vital cause. We are now the official textile recycling partner for the Wales Air Ambulance Charity (Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru). From our depot in Cardiff, we’ll be servicing clothing and shoe recycling banks placed across Mid, South, and West Wales, helping this incredible charity raise essential funds. Join us in this exciting venture to make a real difference in the lives of people in need.

The Wales Air Ambulance Charity: A Lifeline in the Sky 🚁

Wales Air Ambulance Charity provide a crucial lifeline to those in need by offering rapid and specialist medical care to patients across Wales. Their air ambulances and critical care vehicles are staffed with highly trained medical teams, ready to respond to emergencies 24/7. The charity relies on public donations to keep this lifesaving service operational.

Our Commitment to Sustainability:

We’ve built Roberts Recycling off the back of our passion about sustainability and reducing textile waste. And so our partnership with the Wales Air Ambulance Charity aligns perfectly with our mission to make a positive impact on the environment. By recycling clothing and shoes, we’re not only diverting items from landfills but also contributing to a more sustainable future.

Ready to Make a Difference:

We’re pleased to announce that some collection sites have already been confirmed. Every donation you make will go directly towards supporting the Wales Air Ambulance Charity‘s lifesaving missions. So, clear out your closets, gather those unwanted garments, and join us in making a difference.

If you’re a landowner and want to show your support for the Wales Air Ambulance Charity, we invite you to consider housing a clothing bank on your property. By doing so, you can actively contribute to the charity’s fundraising efforts while promoting sustainability in your community. Please get in touch with us today to discuss further details and become a part of this meaningful initiative.

If you'd like to discuss how we can help your organisation with textile recycling, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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