top 5 recycling activities to do with children this summer

Well the summer holidays are finally here and you’re either super busy or running out of ideas to keep the kids busy already.

Don’t worry we have you covered! Recycling may not always be covered in the classroom curriculum so why not do some work with your children at home. Recycling/reusing and repurposing your old clothes can be done by any of us. Especially children.

Here’s 5 recycling related activities you can do with your children this summer.

1. Sort through their clothes: You’d be surprised how generous children can be. Go through your child’s wardrobe with them and see if there are any clothes they no longer like or most importantly that no longer fit. (We know how quickly they grow).

2. Go on a hunt for clothing banks: There are thousands of clothing banks in the UK. Take your children on a walk to your local banks and give them a clipboard/pen. Children can tick off once they’ve seen the clothing banks and count the total at the end of the walk.

3. Visit your local recycling centre: Sometimes even as adults we are unaware of where our local recycling centres are and even what goes on inside them. They can be a fun day trip and educational experience for your child.

4. Reuse old clothing: Why not have a competition? Who can make the best item out of a pair of old jeans, t-shirts etc. Who can give an item of clothing a new purpose? Get crafty. It will be fun for sure!

5. Research recycling: Are their any child friendly recycling apps? Games? I bet. Children sometimes don’t even know their learning when they’re having so much fun. Here’s to a productive summer holidays for you and your child.

Want to raise funds for your school or community through textile recycling? Click here.

If you'd like to discuss how we can help your organisation with textile recycling, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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